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Playgroup SignUps: Mon 13th(Milford+Hopedale) + Tues 14th(Bellingham)

MFCN Session II Playgroups for ages 0 - 5 years will be held in Bellingham, Hopedale, and Milford

January 4, 2020

The Milford Family and Community Network serves families in the greater Milford, Hopedale and Bellingham communities. Playgroups are for children from birth to 5 years old with their parent / caregiver.

Playgroups in Hopedale and Milford 

Registration for the Milford Family and Community Network Session II Playgroups in Hopedale and Milford will be taking place this week in person at their office in Milford* (new location) on:
- Monday through Wednesday, January 6-8th, 2019, from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm, AND
- Monday, January 13, from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm.

Here's a link to the form to complete:

*The Office is now located at the former Milford Catholic Elementary School, 11 East Main Street, Milford, Mass. 


✿ Find more details are on the Program's website here:

✿ If you are unable to register for the playgroup lottery at the designated time, please call the office at 508-634-2356 or email

✿ Playgroups in Hopedale and Milford will start the week of January 27, 2020 and end on Friday, May 22, 2020.

✿ Placement is chosen by lottery, attendance is not required. Lottery will take place on Tues. Jan. 14th (Time TBC). You will be notified of placement(s) by Jan. 17th.

✿ If you do not make it into a playgroup, you will automatically be placed on the waitlist for the group(s) you chose.

✿ There will be a drop-in playgroup held on Mondays at 9:30am if your child is not placed in a scheduled playgroup this session.

✿ All playgroups are free of charge.

Playgroups in Bellingham

Openings are also available for Milford Family and Community Network Playgroups based in Bellingham. The program is designed for children ages birth to 60 months. Each playgroup session includes open play time, creative arts, story times and sing-a-longs. There is also a designated snack time, and parents are encouraged to sign up on a rotating basis to provide a nutritious snack.

Playgroups will be held two afternoons per week from January through May. Parents may choose either Tuesday or Thursday sessions from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. All sessions will be held at the North Community Building, 2 Maple Street, located on the corner of Hartford Ave and Maple Street in Bellingham. 

A drop in registration for Session 2 playgroups beginning in January will be held on Tuesday January 14, 2020 from 12:30 to 2:00 pm at the North Community Building in Bellingham, and spaces will be assigned through a lottery system. If you need further information please feel free to call Donna, the playgroup facilitator, at 508-966-1023.

MacKid Notes:

*Click here for information regarding the "Beginning Bridges CFCE" playgroups which are hosted for preschoolers in Mendon, Northbridge (Whitinsville), Uxbridge and Upton.

*Residents of Blackstone and Millville may be interested in connecting with the YMCA Family and Community Partnership [YFCP] which includes those towns among others. (The YFCP includes: Auburn, Berlin, Blackstone, Boylston, Douglas, Grafton, Hudson, Marlborough, Millbury, Millville, Northborough, Shrewsbury, Southborough, Sutton & Westborough. NOTE: Some of these towns are covered by the Marlborough and North Worcester Macaroni Kid editions.).